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ストアリニューアルに伴う引継ぎ登録情報 / パスワード再設定のお願い

Request for transfer of registration information/password reset due to store renewal

Thank you for always using the ALPHAICON official online store.
In order to provide better service to our customers, the official ALPHAICON online store has been revamped.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused to our customers when our services were suspended due to the renewal.

[Password reset request]

If you wish to use the ALPHAICON official online store on the renewed site, you will need to reset your password.

There is no need to register as a new member, and the email address you use to log in will remain the same as your currently registered information.

Please follow the procedure below.

①Please access the URL below.

②If you enter your registered email address, you will receive a notification for resetting your password. Please follow the procedure in the email to reset your password.

*The registration information that will be carried over from the old site is as follows.
·email address
・Birth month
・Number of points (You can check it in your cart when ordering)

Your purchase history will not be carried over.

[ Regarding unshipped items ]

For orders placed through the old online store that have not yet been shipped, we will process the shipment as soon as possible, so please be patient.

Please check the shipping email for shipping details.

[Regarding email addresses that cannot be used to log in]

In the newly redesigned online store, you will not be able to use email addresses that do not comply with the specifications set out in the international email address standard "RFC."
If you have registered an email address like the one below, please contact us here ( using a different email address.

<Examples of email addresses that violate RFC>
1. There is a dot (.) just before the @ sign or at the beginning of the email address. Example 1)
Example 2)

2. Example of an email address with consecutive dots (.) 1) 0123…
Example 2)

3. Contains characters other than half-width alphanumeric characters and some symbols * Some symbols (. ! # $ % & ' * + ? / = ? ^ _ { | } ~ )
Example 1) example[
Example 2)

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.

Inquiry phone number: 050-1745-4380
Contact us by email:
Business hours: 11:00-17:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, New Year's holiday, Obon, August 12th and 13th, and Golden Week)

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