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Announcement of the results of the campaign to go out with your dog

Thank you for all your submissions to the "Go Out with Your Dog Campaign"!

All of our staff are delighted to see your posts of you enjoying walks, trips, outdoor activities, and other fun times with your beloved dogs, and we are delighted to see you enjoying using ALPHAICON.

So the results are in! Congratulations to all the winners!

◾️Grand Prize Winner: ALPHAICON 10,000 yen gift certificate

They're wearing matching summer cooling tank tops and smiling in unison! This is a photo of them having a really fun walk.

Congratulations on the Grand Prix!

◾️Runner-up: ALPHAICON 5,000 yen gift certificate

An amazing jumping catch! This is a photo of someone having fun playing with their friends.
Congratulations to the runner-up.

◾️Runner-up: ALPHAICON 5,000 yen gift certificate

Such a cute expression! It looks like he's enjoying a walk on the grass.
Congratulations to the runner-up.

◾️ Winner A: Dog Guard Cool Giveaway

Walking in the sea with a full dog guard! A truly shining smile. Please enjoy playing in the water this summer.
Congratulations on being selected.

◾️ Winner A: Dog Guard Cool Giveaway

The scene where you gaze at the beautiful path of light is wonderful!
Congratulations on being selected.

◾️ Selected B Manners band/manners pants present

A commemorative photo taken under the cherry blossoms in full bloom! What a spectacular view.
Congratulations on being selected.

◾️ Selected B Manners band/manners pants present

We received a video of someone happily running on a beautiful sandy beach!
Congratulations on being selected.

◾️ Selected C Luciole Ezo deer snack set (10 people)











Congratulations to the winners! We will contact you via DM.

Blog posts

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