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【新商品情報】W.FULL DOG GUARD 9/12発売

[New product information] W.FULL DOG ​​GUARD released on 9/12

Wear ideal for outdoor activities, with a focus on ease of movement

The fabric is treated with a durable water-repellent coating, so it repels dirt and water. It's a great item for playing in the river and is also great for outdoor activities.

W.FULL DOG ​​GUARD Available in two colors

The zipper on the back makes it easy to put on and take off! Since it does not pass over the dog's head, it reduces the burden on the dog. The handle has an original tab with the logo to make it easier to put on and take off.

It is stretchy, making it easy to move around in and suitable for active movements.

◼︎Sizes: 14 sizes in total: S/SM/M/ML/L/1L/LL/3L/4L/XL/1XL/2XL/DXM/FPM
Material: Body: 94% POLYESTER / 6% POLYURETHANE
◼︎ Features: Durable water repellent finish / Fit and stretch / Reflector


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